Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Webinar April 11: Doing Research on Eastern Europe in the EU

2018 Webinar Series continues April 11(12pm EST): Doing Research on Eastern Europe in the EU: Research Infrastructures, Grant Models, and Career Mobility

This webinar will focus on career patterns in academia as well as in the field of infrastructure development in EU-countries. Participants will learn about the formats, chances and challenges when one wishes to develop an individual strategy for one’s trans-national career path. Against this backdrop and providing significant examples, Peter Haslinger will explain about bilateral and cross-European funding programs – this will also include some thoughts about advancing transatlantic exchange in the field of Eastern European Studies.

To register, click here

Speaker’s bio: Peter Haslinger, who will present the first three webinars in the series, is full professor for the history of East Central Europa at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen and director of the Herder-Institute in Marburg, a non-university institute in the realm of the Leibniz Association that specializes in the history, art history and digital humanities of East Central Europe. He is also Principal Investigator at the Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies, the International Center for the Study of Culture and the Center for Media and Interactivity, all located at Giessen University. Moreover, he functions as a spokesperson for the Herder-Institute Research Academy which aims to bridge the gap between scholarship in Eastern European Studies and the development of research infrastructures. His scholarly interest focuses on the history of the Habsburg Monarchy and successor states (19th and 20th centuries), he has published widely on Hungarian, Czech and Slovak history as well as on questions of nation, region and cultural diversity, on cartography and questions of security. He is also is the spokesperson of the project group that enhances the visibility of Eastern European Studies across disciplines within the Leibniz Association. He is also involved in activities for the enhancement of the Humanities and Social Sciences on the European level (e.g. as a member of the HERA board).

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